Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Changing times

Welocme to the information age where we are creating a culture of information junkies. I do not say this in a bad way, it can just be overwhelming at times. I was talking with some of my volleyball friends about how different our tv watching habits are today vs. the 1980's. This came about as we were watching a replay of an 80's Packers/Bears game. Can you believe that you had to wait forever for the score to pop up and the announcers had to tell you what down it was and how many yards were needed for a first down, and forget about the scores of the other games...Now you can see everything you need to know right up on the screen all at once and you wouldn't even need to have the sound on. If you're a junkie like me you're also watching on the couch with your laptop tuned into so you can see all the other scores and highlights as they are happening...almost. Can you remember back to the days when there was no infomation tag sliding across the bottom of your screen giving you all the days news highlights while the anchor man is talking about other things. It was interesting to reflect on the way this one "normal" aspect of most people's day has changed over time.


Connie said...

I remember the good ol' days, too. It seems like CNN started the concept of putting several news items on the screen and other stations followed suit. Yes--even the sports channels!

Jeanne LaMoore said...

Interesting example! I love the look on kids' faces when I tell them that I played Oregon Trail on a black & green screen with stick figures. (And I remember when Pong was the newest entertainment craze!)