Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have spent a lot of time on my computer this year but much of it seems to be trying to figure out the new grading and web design systems that out district has put in place. There are changes in technology coming at us at an alarming speed. There never seems to be enough time to get through it all with an enduring understanding of how to make it benefit us. I hope to be able to get deeper into some of the great tools that MILI has to share soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling your pain Kelly! New grade program, new sub program, new teacher website program, MILI - whew! I'm finally getting my head around the grade and sub program. I got some help on my website, but have not done anything with it since then (and don't remember how). Unfortunately, I don't have any answers, but sometimes it is reassuring to know that others feel the same way. Hang in there!!