Sunday, October 5, 2008

Blogging on Moodle

I was very excited to start blogging with my students during advisory this year. My original intention was to have them all create blogger accounts but I was directed by our "techie" guy that I should use he set me up and we started moodling last week. I think in the past I would have been nervous about trying something that was totally unfamiliar to me but
Mili has taught me that I dont have to be afraid just give it a try and learn from the mistake that will undoubtedly come with technology trials! We are moodling on Wednesday mornings and last Wednesday we couldn't because of the late start date and my students were very disappointed and I took that as a good sign. As we get further into this I hope to find differing uses for Moodle...not poodle...nope, not's MOODLE~


Sarah Rother said...

I wish the district was giving us some training/info about Moodle. Sounds like it's great...but how are we supposed to use it if we done't know about it.

You might have to give me a lesson sometime!

Anonymous said...

We will be interested in your Moodle experience--we hear a lot about it but don't know too much!