Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Creating videos

As part of our school district's technology crew this year we were required to make a video of our teaching and then we used the videos as a tool for creating how to videos for new teachers with voice overs etc. As the district looks at ways to cut spending one of the items on the chopping block is the induction program for new teachers. The district is hoping that these videos can be used to help with some of the training for new teachers. We each received a Tablet PC to use with students as part of tech crew. Making this video has been a valuable experience and I can see how I could create great videos for use with students in my classroom. However, time involved in creating a video is a big concern.

Here is my video (it's only 2 minutes)...

1 comment:

Karen said...

I like the part about getting distracted students' attention ... and the part about having a great smile :) While I'm concerned about the district trying to save money with new teacher orientation (to me, that seems like one of the most important things!) I'm glad they are using technology to do it. Good job!